Dentista que Habla Español en Paso Robles, CA

Usted habla español? At Paso Robles Dental Care in Paso Robles, California, Dr. Joe Holbrook and several staff members speak Spanish too. If you’re looking for a Spanish-speaking dentist near you, you need to look no further than Paso Robles Dental Care. Dr. Holbrook and his considerate, competent staff want to provide convenient, quality dental care to all patients in the Paso Robles, California area. 


Connection and good communication is key for quality dental care. This is why we employ multilingual staff members. We strive to provide an incredibly friendly and welcoming environment where you’ll feel comfortable receiving your dental care, even if you don’t particularly look forward to visiting the dentist. 


We invite all our Spanish-speaking customers to come in for treatment. We have an extensive service list, including:


Routine check-ups

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends two dental check-ups per year. Routine dental check-ups help us prevent dental issues before needing to treat them. During your visit, we’ll perform several quality dental techniques toward evaluating and treating your teeth and gums, including:


  • X-rays
  • Professional cleaning
  • Professional evaluation
  • Informative consultation and recommendations


Dental Veneers

Veneers, commonly made of porcelain or composite resin, provide a great way to enhance and beautify your smile. They can also correct chipped teeth or teeth with spaces between them. 

We custom-design these tooth-colored materials to improve misshapen, worn, or stained teeth. They’re durable, easy to install, and the non-invasive procedure is comfortable and quick. 


Porcelain Crowns

A crown (or cap) fits over the top of your natural tooth, preserving, sheltering, and strengthening it. A crown also improves a tooth’s appearance. We often use a crown to cover a damaged or worn tooth, such as a tooth that has had many cavities and fillings.


Teeth Whitening

As we age, and if we drink certain beverages and eat certain food types, our teeth can stain. There are over-the-counter teeth whitening solutions available at your local grocery store, but they are not always effective and they are slow. At Paso Robles Dental Care, we provide safe, effective teeth whitening solutions. Our professional whitening techniques are also fast; you’ll see a difference immediately after your first visit. 


Sedation Dentistry

Do you have anxiety about visiting the dentist? You’re not alone. Some people put off going to the dentist because they fear the discomfort. This prevents them from receiving the quality dental care that everybody requires at least twice per year. At Paso Robles Dental Care, we have a solution. We offer sedation dentistry, which can help you feel relaxed and comfortable during your dental procedure. Our sedation dentistry is safe, effective, and it can eliminate your anxiety. Call today for details. 


Dental Implants

Are you missing teeth, or do you have teeth that need to come out? Dental implants can provide a great tooth-replacement solution. Implants include an artificial tooth, but that tooth will look, function, and feel exactly like your natural tooth. 


If you don’t see the service you need, just reach out to us. We likely provide the dental service you are looking for.


Dentista Que Habla Español en Paso Robles, CA

Your smile is the main focus at Paso Robles Dental Care. We recognize that not all our customers speak English. We’ll tailor your visit to your specific needs and goals, emphasize your care and comfort, and accept nothing less than the best. 

Dr. Holbrook leads a Spanish-speaking team committed to your comfort from the minute you call to the end of each visit to our office. We have convenient appointment hours and adhere to current Covid-19 protocols. We want you to have both a healthy smile and a good-looking one. 


Call today to set an appointment with our Spanish speaking dentist. We provide service with a smile. Our service will provide your smile with health, beauty, and confidence. 


Esperamos verte pronto.

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